Is a Mini Carousel Ride Safe For Kenyan Children?

What is a Carousel Ride?

A carousel ride also known as a “roundabout” or “merry-go-round” ride is a type of amusement ride that usually made of a rotating circular platform on which mounts are installed. The mounts on carousel rides usually vary with the most popular mounts being animal-based mounts such as horse mounts, chair and bench-like mounts, and, mounts based on mythological creatures such as dragons.

Carousel rides come in different sizes; mini, medium, and, large – with different sizes designed for different age groups. Mini rides are typically designed for kids, medium rides for teenagers, and large/standard rides for both teenagers and adults. Larger rides usually have a bigger capacity and they are typically set to move at higher speeds compared to smaller carousel rides.

Now that you know what carousel rides are, we can now move to the crux of the matter …

Are mini carousel rides safe for Kenyan children?


carousel ride for sale

Reputable mini carousel ride manufacturers like Beston take a lot of time designing, manufacturing and testing their amusement rides to ensure that they are safe for use by customers.

It is however worth mentioning that safety is a concept that starts at the most basic level – personally. No matter what type of machine you are on or using, safety starts with you the rider. Click here for more details:

As it is Kenyans are a people who love coming together whenever opportunity presents itself – In Kenya, the community feeling is second nature. The point I am trying to make is that if you are looking to make an investment with a high ROI in Kenya, you cannot go wrong with something that brings people together like a mini carousel ride.

Though mini carousel rides for sale are designed to be safe, accidents and safety issues can occur if and when these rides are used improperly. Below are a few tips on how you can ensure safety for Kenyan kids if you have a mini carousel ride or you are taking your children to an amusement park with one …

First, you should ensure that the ride is manufactured by a company that prides itself on rigorous safety tests and improvements like Beston. Before buying a mini carousel ride, check that the product has a Quality and Safety Inspection Mark from the relevant authorities in Kenya.

kiddie carousel ride of Beston

Next, ensure that the ride is installed professionally. Most carousel rides around the globe occur due to improper installation and lack of proper maintenance. As a parent, you should only let your kids mount a mini carousel ride managed by Beston Amusement Equipment Co., ltd that follows stringent product installation and maintenance practices.

For the safety of your kids, you should also check to see that they only mount on rides that are manned by a professional. In such a ride, the professional-in-charge will ensure that all requisite safety protocols such as proper sitting and fastening of safety gear has been done before the ride starts up.

Lastly and most importantly, you should remember that your child is not an adult. To ensure that they follow the safety protocols attached to the use of mini carousel amusement rides, it is best that you sit next to your child during their first ride(s) – at least until the riding mini carousel rides stops being a novel idea/experience.